I do believe that art becomes alive only when it explores the roots of life and ultimately it should simplify the complexities of life. Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures. They reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Any film is considered to be an important art.
“Everyone makes different films, but Artist can make a film differently.” -Bomma Films
We are evolving with so many stories in our life but we are forgetting to tell the world. So stories can change everyone’s life. How does one define the word A story? Long, short, funny or serious? Dark, inspirational, or possibly captivating? Each person has his or her own unique story to tell. Stories are never-ending journeys, hidden talents or suppressed memories, all waiting to be told. We all have a distinct definition of a story, so why not share yours? The most beautiful part of storytelling is that it also helps you to trace the origins of yourself and it was a transforming journey for everyone. The power of a story is such that it stays with you forever and We all have the innate ability to picturise something always with our life stories. Finally, Their is no greater power on this earth than story.
The Purpose of Bomma Films
Bomma Films-Where great stories are born. Stories are our passion. It’s around stories that people come together. We make Films and shows about people and for people finding themselves.
Defining themselves.
Discovering their voice.
Finding their purpose.
Finding their people.
Finally telling their truth.
A love letter to Cinema My Dear Cinema, you are by far one of the most coolest and outstanding mediums on the face of this earth. for this very reason, you've moved me to create stories.
A Writer’s Day(Voice over Short) This lockdown time I created some experimental myself and did one short film about a writer in his day of life and writing a story about a young passionate actor who find himself at crossroads in his life and had to make a tough decision between his 4 choices.