
ART Match (iPhone App)

Company Introduction offers offer the world’s largest selection of wall art, high-quality custom framing and other finishing services, rapid delivery, and unique visualization tools that allow buyers to see how a piece might look in different surroundings, all at an unbeatable value.

Project Overview

The artMatch app provides a fresh new way to access’s collection of over a million works– whenever inspiration strikes! Imagine walking down the streets of your favorite city and spotting a work of art you love. It’s now possible to find, frame, and purchase that art in a snap.

Take a photo of art you love and instantly find exact and similar matches for sale on 

·       Visualize a work of art in your own room by simply holding up your phone to the wall.

·       Browse collections of art and learn more about any work or artist, and “superzoom” to see the brushstrokes and texture!

·       Save your favorites to personalized galleries and share them with friends via email or Facebook.

·       Purchase art right from your phone.


ART match is the app that I worked on with the Product Design team as a UX designer. The user takes a photo through the art match app and that will fetch the search results and displays exact and similar images in the collection. User also can browse different style of art works for purchase and share it on social platforms.I was responsible for making simple and easy interface for this app.


To design simple, intuitive and easy user interface for Android and iOS.

  • Gather requirements from a product manager

  • Research on existing patterns and trends around the feature for Android and IOS platforms

  • Plan the target date for the deliverables


  • Research on competitor apps for existing design patterns for both Android and iOS

  • List down the design patterns and take inspiration from them

  • Brainstorm Corner Cases

  • List down corner cases followed by the interaction

Features planned:

Find the art you want / see the art on your wall / share your art with friends / buy the art you must have

 ArtMatch: Take a photo of art you love and we’ll show you whether it’s available on

Visualize: Simply hold up your phone to see a work of art in your own room

Browse: Learn more about the work or artist with easy access to product details

Cart: Purchase art right from your phone using your contacts for easy shipping

Save your favorites to personalized galleries and Share them with friends via email or Facebook


Design wireframes based on the finalized flows.

Final Visuals






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