
Isolve_Mobile App

American Airlines mobile application Called Isolve. This app is used by customer service reps to resolve their customer issues.

Project Objectives 


American Airlines takes a more proactive approach to dealing with customer issues and modernize the customer experience to meet the high expectations of digitally-savvy passengers.


ISolve is used by customer service reps to resolve their customer issues with a simple apology, for example, or with air miles. We made sure Reps have all the information they need to solve customer issues and making some processes automatic things, like compensation if your flights are delayed or re-accommodations on other flights automatically.

1.     islove mobile application will be available for the Executive users to award compensation through mobile device.

2.     Real-time integration will be built between the systems recording Flight delays and boarding passenger info and Advocate system to cater to the 24 hour batch delay.

3.     Ability to compensate the customers with bonus miles will be built in the iVoucher application.

4.     Ability to issue vouchers to customers with Cupid ID  (i.e. customers without AAdv# ) will be built.

5.     Resolutions will be updated into the system by Advocate .(currently resolutions are updated via Java application)


Business Executive Users

Customer service reps

My Role

We were a team of 4 developers 2 Quality Assurance Testers and just one designer.

User Task Flow



User logs into the application to award compensation to the AA customers. He will be able to choose from one of the following

1  AAdv 1.2  PNR 1.3  Name . 1.4  Email address

Customer Info

Customer Info tab on the screen will be displayed if the search is successful

Customer will be displayed - Email Address, Phone number, Miles and Other details will be displayed on this screen


User can go into  Compensation Recommendations where he can select the Category(Contact point) of the complaint and Incident(Type Of Complaint) .

Category/Contact point list currently in system

1.1  Delay 1.2  Baggage/BMAS 1.3  Customer Service/Support 1.4  Product Failure 1.5  Misc/Other

The User(AA Executive) will be allowed to select the compensation type from the following list.

1.1  eVoucher(Cash) 1.2  Miles 1.3  Checque . 1.4  ODP(One day pass, who are not AA member)

Travel History

Travel History Tab will have three sections . Information for these screens attached in the document.

1.1  Resolution History

1.2  Future OD

1.3  History OD

Wireframe_Final Navigational Flow

Visual Design_Final Navigational Flow


Visual design


I move further with the sketch into visual design. In visual design process we focused to give the user most user friendly design interface to interact. I tried to create as simple as possible layout for on the go users. Most of our targeted users will use this app on the go. We focus on to give users clear message to make it less confusing.

Style Guide

Final Takeaway

User are in hurry to complete the claim, I made easy and hassle free solution for all the user tasks that simplified the whole process and now they can finish their flow in 3 or 4 steps compared to 10 or 11 steps that they used to do earlier.